Friday, October 19, 2007

Busy busy...

I just realized recently how little time there are every day. So I'm going to work harder!

Nekocon is coming up, and I've decided to go with the scarf idea. After printing the design on iron-on paper for dark fabric, I use the CraftRobo to cut it out! (I used to have to do this all by hand).

Sorry, my camera can only take videos 30 seconds at a time >_<

The damn machine is LOUD, and its not the "cutting" that is making the noise, but the motor and the belts moving (like those old-fashion printers). It cuts all the way through is some areas, but overall it leaves perfect cuts all the way around the images from what I have in Illustrator. (It reads the registration marks before cutting).

I've ironed 9 scarfs with the t-shirt press, two of which turned out a bit darker than I wanted. Right now I have a midna scarf sitting in a tub of water to make sure it wont bleed when it gets wet. But now I've ran out of fleece and the fabric store ran out... :/ shit.

Next up will be my vinyl coming in the mail! Woot!

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